Friday, April 1, 2011 for improvement.

My blog has mainly always been about biking, and some times my kids.  To days small blog is about my daughter, Taylor and her first ever football game.  She is a mad keen sports girl, and has been nagging me for ages to get her involved in a team.  Finally this year I have made it happen.  And today was her first game.

I will say in all honesty that I have never been as nervous watching a game sine the All Blacks lost the 2007 quarter final to the french in the world cup (rugby) that brings up bad memories.  Any way I digress...

Gut wrenching.

Unfortunately Taylor's first taste of competition ended in a 8-1 loss, but she did score a cracker of a goal.  So Dad was beaming!  Oh well onwards and upwards as the saying goes.

She played outstanding, and I admit I am biased, but she did, honestly, it is true!  She has a lot to learn, but has been out running and training very hard, when Taylor sets her mind at being good at some thing she will stop at nothing.

One of the reasons I am writing this small blog, is over the last few months I have taken great delight  in reading my old ones, it is a great way to record memories, and trips, adventures etc.  So one day I will look back and read this with fondest.


  1. Awesome stuff Roger, especially with the way that Taylor played - that's so cool! Our daughter was a bookworm in her younger days but is quite an extrovert now. The boys were (and are) mad on sport though.

    You're dead right about the blog being a good record. I hope to look back over the memories when I'm drooling down the front of my leathers. Oh wait, I do that now :-)

  2. Geoff, Iwas prett proud, she through herslef around like a women posessed, took the ball from half way and scored, just brillant!

  3. My daughter had the heart of an athlete, but alas, her physical tools were lacking. She tried so very hard. My son had all the tools to be a good athlete, but had no interest. I am so glad that your daughter appears to have the desire and the tools. It was heartbreaking watching my Lil' girl, who turns 30 today, finish last in everything, but making me proud as she'd go right back out and give it her all the next time.

    Enjoy these times, I know it is a cliche, but they do pass so very fast.

  4. Great stuff Roger! I know exactly how gut wrenching it can be as a parent. I used to love & hate watching my son play junior cricket when he was a little tacker.

    Cheers Jules.

  5. Keith; I can see my daughter chaning every day, in a way it saddens me, but that is life. She has and always, will do me proud. Thanks for your comment.

  6. Jules, I think Gut Wrenching is the correct term, man I was nervous, still it was good and she is excited. I am lease she is active and involved.

  7. Congrats to Taylor for getting the goal. Keep us posted on how the team is doing.

  8. Yay Taylor!!!! Fantastic job on scoring the goal. Maybe dad will be less nervous and more vocal next time, like grandpa. :) Glad she is having a great time.


  9. I understand your enthusiasm. I have a niece who plays soccer with her school (she's a junior) and they are pretty good. She practically eats, sleeps, dreams about soccer so hopefully, she'll be able to play at the collegiate level... If she doesn't fall in love first, that is! Boys have a way of changing things!!

  10. Lady, Lori, & Troritz, Taylor is indeed passsionate about the game. I will post a brief blog every couple of weeks and let you know how she goes. And yes I hope "boys" keep away for the mean time. Thanks.

  11. Oh yeah, THAT football! :)
    Congats to Taylor on her first competition. Regardless of score that's a win!

  12. I think its awesome that your daughter is playing sports, sure beats having the kids sitting around playing playstation like so many kids are doing these days. My daughter has started soccer this year also,with mixed results.Well done Taylor.

  13. THanks God bother and Mr Bluekat, I think I am more excited than her. Gonna be a long season though...
