Saturday, May 14, 2011

Classic Auckland Destination!

Where is the sauce dad?

It was a great day for a ride, not to hot not to cold, sun was out, weather forecast fine, time for a classic ride to one of Auckland's classic biking destinations.........Kaiaua for fish and chips.

With Nathan on the back, a sedate pace ensured.  I find this suits me a lot, as I can concentrate on nice smooth lines, smooth breaking and enjoying the ride.

We headed out from home via Whitford and the beautiful coast.  A scenic ride, but as always this time of year a lot of attention is required to the road conditions.  Many of the corners never get dry, and can be covered with wet leaves, branches and moss.

With Kaiaua only 85kms from home it is a pleasant  hour ride, and is perfect for Nathan and I to enjoy some father and son time.

After a great feed of fish and chips we headed home.  A three hour break from the week, and I arrived home feeling refreshed and alive.  You gotta love this biking thing.

Early this morning while out side I spotted this bird in our garden, it is a native Tui.  Notice the feather on it's chest.  I love seeing native birds so close to home.


  1. Hahahaha! That would have been a great chance meeting Roger as that's where I'd originally intended heading! Changed my mind going down the Thames coast as there were some big showers coming across the Firth early on.

    Nice photo of the Tui. Beautiful songbirds apart from one near us that has 3 repetitive notes that drives you crazy!

  2. Geoff, The though croseed my mind that we may have gotten close, when I read your previous blog. In the end we did not have any rain and it was a great ride. Any ride is a good ride though.

  3. Sounds like you and your son had a great day on the bike! I haven't had fish-n-chips in years - sounds good! I like the Tui photos!

  4. Thanks Mike, there is nothinglike a good feed of fish and chips occasionally.

  5. Yes, looked like a great time. And good for you for finally keeping the pace sedate! ;)

    Gonna need to start teaching Taylor to ride...

    Pretty Tui!

