Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Winter of Discontent.

It has been one of those winters.  Hence the lack of blogging.

Wet, cold, bloody temperamental weather to be exact.  It is not as if it was any worse or better than years gone by, it just seemed that when it wanted to rain it did it on a Saturday and Sunday.

I have got out for a few rides.  A couple of IAM observer training runs, not much dirt riding and just the odd afternoon run when the sun comes out.  Sundays IAM ride was great and the weather did play it's part.  

Still spring has almost sprung and you can tell a definite warming of temperatures.  After last years "worse summer ever" could we be in for a golden one...who knows?  I gave up on the weather man years ago.

The highlight of the winter has been Taylor s football, her team won there league and once again Taylor played a big part scoring 27 of the teams 33 goals.....such a proud Dad! (Apparently I am quite vocal as well )

I enjoyed reading everyone's ride reports over the northern summer.  I am always amazed at the mileage the american bloggers cover on there trips....750miles in a day would be a real mission here in NZ. Yet you  guys seem to run them off as if it is an afternoon jaunt.

Trip of the Summer has to go George for his trip to Alaska....amazing pics/scenery/ what a great adventure for over a month.  The bears looked really cuddly to.....

The most entertaining has to go to Lori, you had me in stitches a few times.  Poor Oil burner....

It was great to see so many of you getting together for the Bloggers Convention, Wished I could of been there to regale you with copious kiwi tales.... well done Eric, it looks like you traveled the furthest!  It was neat to see many of you riding together for some of the way home as well....

I am looking forward to spring.  I am sure I will complete many miles this year, might have a go at camping and really getting off the beaten track, may consider hitting the South Island again and enjoy some of the great gravel roads they have down there..including Molesworth and Rainbow, both great adventure rides.  Generally I think I will go bush and do a bit of exploring..

I had the BMW in for a service yesterday, want ed to learn a bit so stayed and watched the technician work his magic.  It was interesting and I actually learnt some stuff...excellent!  Wished I had a hose and bucket though so I could of cleaned the hard to get to places.  So she is all ready to go for the summer.


  1. Congratulations to your daughter and her team! And on the early arrival of Spring!

    1. Thanks Richard...mate hanging out for spring

  2. Roger:

    While Erik came a long way, Karen came from Kingston, Ontario Canada, which is much farther away. Our summer is coming to an end rather quickly, getting very chilly in the evenings when the sun goes down. Soon you will be gloating in your summer warmth, while we freeze.

    You could have summer all year if you came over here, and then went back home during our winters.

    If you go off the beaten track you may like camping too, unless you have bears like we do.

    Riding the Wet Coast
    My Flickr // My YouTube

    1. Bob: For me it is hard to know....it all looks big and vast over there! I think Richard did well to come from Fairbanks.

      We don't have bears, in fact we have nothing that can eat you, bite you, or sting you...besides the odd bee...kind of luck really.

  3. Congrats to Taylor! Has she mentioned that she can hear you on the sidelines??

    Isn't George's trip fantastic? I wanna do it. But Oilburner wants to know how he is poor? ;)

    What did you learn around the service? I always get amazed looking under the hood. I have a panel off of the GS to wire lights and just loving looking at the miles of wiring.

    I had the "no deadly animals" in NZ with someone at work the other day. Lucky duck. And I wanna go to the South Island too!!!!!

    1. Lori: Yep Taylor has mentioned on occasion that i am a we bit noisy...I just ignored her. I was very envious of George I have to say, did I learn anything from the service?..only that the bike has a motor

      Nothing can eat you here..thats why you should come, if you want danger pop in to Aussie on your way!

    2. Hey, this is your turn in life to embarrass the crap out of her. Just doing your duty as a good parental figure. ;)

    3. Exactly!That is how I see it.....

  4. Way to go, Taylor. I knew you had it in you. Sorry about your Dad being such an embarrassment. You'll get over it. He is just mighty pride of you, and rightly so.

    Hey Rog, say hi to Taylor from me, will you?

    Our summer is almost over, but we hope to get in some riding until it gets all wet and cold over here again.

    And while we will spend our time brooding in the dark it will be your time to rave over all the wonderful weather and trips and good company you'll have when your riding season is in full force.

    1. Hi Sonja, I will pass on your regards. I am looking forward to my time in the sun...

  5. I know what you mean about our winter - it has been pretty wet here too. My poor Connie has been neglected far too much. At least the DL has been out and about getting filthy.

    The Molesworth and Rainbow are definitely on my list too!

    1. It certainly rained a lot! HArd to get out some times. I certainly wont to do a run South, a bit of exploring.

  6. Bring on the summer I say. I've had enough of the cold.

  7. Good job Taylor. She is turning into a pro. I can see why you are so proud.

    Your better weather days are ahead which gives you something to look forward to. I haven't been on the bike in weeks and our days are getting shorter and much chillier in the mornings and evenings. We are lucky the days are still sunny though. Such as it is when the world keeps turning.

    It won't be long until we are tucked up on the sofa, drinking hot tea and coffee, hiding from the rain and reading about all the rides and great weather you are experiencing.

    1. Thanks brandy, it wasnt as if it was a really bad winter it just seemed every time I wanted to ride it was crap!

      I hope you get a few more in before the winter hits.

  8. Hey Matey,

    Got to agree with you about the incessant rain although as you say, the IAM run was a cracker! Just ignore what Taylor thinks, hehe. Jennie and I have a saying - "Live long enough to be an embarrassment to your kids" - great fun! It'll give 'em something to talk about when they're a bit older!!!

    Also, well done to Taylor - that's some talent she's got. I know I've said it before but your kids are a real credit to you.

    1. Thanks Geoff....I like to keep her on her toes! I thinks she just ignores me actually!

      I am enjoying the IAM Observer training, more so than trying to sit the test.

  9. Way to go Taylor and team! It's all well and good to be talented, but nothing beats being on a championship team. Was she with the same teammates as last season...the team which started poorly and kept getting better as the season went on? If so, that must have been quite the joy.

    I was delighted to see a post from you. I have missed you and had hoped it was just winter down time for you.

    1. Hi Keith, Different team this year, she went up a grade and is also playing in the school 1st 11. It was a good season with lots of ups and downs that is for sure...

      Glad you missed me, hopeful with the onset of spring and I shall be regaling you with my stories and humour!

  10. Gratz to Taylor and proud Dad :)

    I know what you mean about the rainy weekends, it did that here for about 2 months, which is really not fair concidering we came out of a 10 year dought only the year before I got my baby ...

    And yes, I'm sure we got some of your dangerous animals here in Aus .. your's are the little ones that can hide in shoes .. want 'em back ?

    1. Brenda..strange how you have a drought for so long then get dumped on! I still remember the pictures from the flooding of a couple years ago.

      You can keep your animals... seriously....I don't like crawler things.

  11. Ditto re the weather. Miserable here too - I can't recall such a cold, wet n windy one. Those 10 years of drought were good for winter riding!

    I typically average 10 -12K kilometers per year, as you say, nothing compared to the North American bloggers. Mrs T & I are heading back to the South Island of NZ next Feb (car trip this time)so hoping for a better summer in NZ than this year was.

    Ride safe this Spring Roger.

    1. Jules' just seems to have been the winter for rain, I am sure I got out a lot more last year. Roll on summer, although I would think for you spring and autumn are the best months for riding, not to hot!

      You have a safe one too and enjoy your trip down under, spend a lot we dont have the iron ore that you guys do!

  12. Congratulations to Taylor!!!! I bet she is happy to have you cheering her on, even if they do the eye roll and say "Oh Dad!" My Michaela does that when I watch her motocrossing or doing other stuff. Its hard not to be their cheering sections. Glad you are seeing the warmth of spring, our summer is fading quickly and it is quite chilly at night here. I am getting prepared for the long winter of cold and wet moto commuting. It seems our summer came late again and is leaving early. Definitely not looking forward to winter commuting. I haven't had another opportunity to play in the dirt either, but my daughter goes almost every week.
