Dreaming of Jupiter.
I left school at 16. Went straight into an apprenticeship I brought a house, got married, had two fantastic kids, started a business, got divorced and had to rebuild financially again. Worked long hours and weekends. I have always done what was expected of me, what is right. I have always walked the well trodden path that lies before me. I have sought to "improve" myself through material gains. I have brought into the material side of life.
My travel has been limited to a few weeks every three or four years travelling some where. I never did a "BIG OE", which here in NZ is almost a right of passage. I have for a few years wanted to do a big trip, a trip that would define me. A trip which will keep me awake at night, not only from the excitement but also from fear. You could say I have been dreaming.
One day I would like to ship my bike to the states, ride to the top of Alaska, criss cross Canada and America, through Mexico then to the bottom of Argentina, cross the Andes a couple of times. Will I ever do it? Honestly , I don't know.
But, I can begin to prepare for just such a trip. It might not happen for a while, but there is no harm in continuing to dream. I have read many inspiring stories of average people, men and women, who have done this trip. There is nothing special about them, except an adventurous spirit and a love of life. The only difference is they have acted on there dreams.
So I have begun to make some changes, to UN clutter my life. To simplify things. I have a big mortgage and a big house, I don't need either. So next week the house goes on the market. I want to down size. Some thing easy to manage, and easy to rent out.
Time to get rid of two lounge sweets, and dinner sets and cutlery sets and stuff...just stuff, stuff I will probably never use...just stuff. I am over stuff...where the hell did it all this stuff come from.
I have enrolled in Spanish classes, winging it on kiwi probably not a good idea when trying to cross into Bolivia with a grumpy boarder guard! Languages, how I wish I was gifted with that skill. It will be hard work , but at the same time I am having fun.
Next is a mechanics course. My bike maintenance skills are severely lacking. It has always been easier to give to the expert and say "fix it". Time to learn a few basics.
So I am beginning to dream, to plan. Will it ever happen? I really don't know. It is still not the right time. The kids are still to young and in there early teens. Although they would not hesitate to support me if I did decide to go sooner rather than later. But plans are forming in my mind. If a window of opportunity presents it self, then who knows. In the meant time I shall continue to plan, scheme, and dream..
Until then, Bonjour! oh Shit...hang on ....... I mean Adios!